Get the submission strategy that will give you the best shot at a good deal!


The Best Way to Approach Sales Agents & Distributors

As filmmakers, we want to get the best Distribution deal for our films...

With the right submission strategy, your odds get a lot better.

As a Sales Agent, I see hundreds of submissions a year. More often than not, what is sent turns me off immediately. 

There are definitely things Sales Agents & Distributors want to see and DO NOT want to see. 

Many filmmakers get so excited about sharing their film that they make several mistakes in the submission process. 

This can result in Distribution professionals passing without even looking at your film. 

You didn't go through all the blood, sweat and years to make a great film, only to have your film overlooked without even being considered.

That's why I created The Insider's Film Distribution Submission Strategy.

Now you can make sure you're presenting your film the right way so you can have the best shot at getting a great Distribution deal.  

Master the submission process with this Film Distribution Submission Strategy... so you can stand out & get your film the best shot at a great deal.

What you’ll get in this mini class:

  • TARGETING THE RIGHT COMPANIES - Not all companies are right for your film. I'll show you how to find the ones that will be best suited to your film. 

  • WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR SUBMISSION - I go in detail, explaining EXACTLY what to do and what not to do in your submission so you can have the best chance at a Distibution professional seriously considering your film. 

  • WHEN TO APPROACH A SALES AGENT & DISTRIBUTOR - Timing is everything. Make sure you're approaching the right person at the right time in the process for maximum potential.

3 VIDEO MODULES focused on the top 3 factors to consider when submitting for Distribution:  

You'll also get:  

  • A submission letter template that you can use to fill in the blanks for your own submission.
  • Sales Agent Worksheet to help you keep track of your research & notes
  • PLUS - BONUS! 4 Distribution Deal Red Flags
  • All for just $39.


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    Use the Submission Strategy Sales Agents & Distributors prefer!

    Don't waste your time or theirs. Submit exactly what they want to see & give your film the best shot at a great Distribution deal.


  • 3 Video Modules
  • The Submission Letter Template
  • Sales Agent Worksheet
  • BONUS! 4 Distribution Deal Red Flags
  • All for just $39.


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    Copyright 2019  

    All for just $39.