Hi, I’m Marc Clebanoff
Producer, Writer, Director & Global Sales Agent
Over the years I’ve produced quite a few independent films, some successfully and some not so successfully. Regardless of how my films did, the pattern I noticed was that very little money was coming back to me or my investors.
I thought becoming a sales agent would allow me to take more control over the distribution of my films. Only then did my eyes open to the reality of how the business works.
As a global sales agent/producer, I got an entirely new education about what it takes to make a good film that will also sell
So much so, that many of my filmmaker colleagues started coming to me for advice on how to develop their projects.
It surprised me how many talented and creative people had little or no savviness when it came to the business end of show business.
That’s what brought me to create the Indie Film Ins & Outs.
By using my own journey and trial and errors over the years, I was motivated to share with filmmakers and other creatives navigating this business how to gracefully find the middle ground between the creative and the business that will give you a legitimate shot at producing films successfully and ultimately building your career.
“Talent alone is not enough. Business savvy alone is not enough. Having the right combination of both, however, is what will give you the advantage…”
You got into the indie game because you weren’t willing to sit around waiting for someone to give you your shot.
Like me, you prefer to create your own opportunities. But you can shoot your film dead if you are not armed with the appropriate knowledge.
Let’s face it, there is a LOT to know and how do you know what you don’t know?
Over the course of producing several films and negotiating hundreds of finance and distribution deals, I’ve learned: There’s what you want to do and there’s what you have to do. These two things rarely make love to each other.
Once you can find the graceful middle ground between want to and have to, you can FINALLY make movies that make money…
Our goal is to give you the all the details you’ll need so you can reach the distribution end game SUCCESSFULLY and AHEAD of the competition.
Create Your Own Opportunities
Don’t sit around waiting for someone to give you your shot.
Whether you’ve already produced or directed a film…
Have been to film school…
Have written a script…
Are an actor looking to create a vehicle to star in…
Or you’ve had a dream to get into the business and would like to get started…
Here you’ll find the KNOWLEDGE that will give you the CONFIDENCE to produce a film that gets out to the world & sets you up for longevity in the business.
Credit Highlights:
2024 – Asbury Park
2024 – Absolution
2023 – Smokers
2023 – Stripped (TV Series)
2022 – As Good As Dead
2020 – Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story
2019 – Sargasso
2016 – A Man Called God
2015 – Hush (TV Pilot)
2015 – The Mourning
2014 – The Darkness Descending
2013 – Elwood (TV Pilot)
2012 – White Mule
2011 – Pound of Flesh
2010 – Gerald
2009 – Break
2008 – The Pink Conspiracy
2006 – Unspoken
To review his full credit list – click here